The Redlands Sea Dragons would like to thank the Redland City Council for its on-going support, in particular for funding the installation of security screens on the Club's building through the Redland City Mayor and Councillors' Community Benefit Program for 22/23
Queensland Government's Gambling Community Benefit Fund Grant - 3 August 2020
The Redlands Sea Dragons would like to thank the Queensland Government's Gambling Community Benefit fund for teh grant of $13,500 to purchase a double boat trailer and an equipment trailer. The grant will enhance our capacity to provide dragon boating and other services to the Queensland community.
COVID Safe Active Clubs Kickstart - 20 July 2020
The Queensland Government provided $2,000 to the Redlands Sea Dragons - Dragon Boat Club Inc. for "operating expenses, equipment or training to assist organisations to re-establish their operations post COVID-19 and enable them to provide phyisical activity opportunities throughout Queensland".
The funds have been used to purchase COVID Safe material, sand & sanitiser, tie-down straps, repair of two way radios, purchase of 2 x two way radios, GPS and oar.
Active Clubs Grant- 6 February 2020
The Queensland Government provided $2,000 to the Redlands Sea Dragons - Dragon Boat Club Inc. for "equipment to improve our ability to manage the organisation" to enable Queenslanders to participate in sport and recreations activities.
The funds have been used to purchase a new computer and accessories for our Treasurer and a tablet for our Coaches.