Would you like to become a RSD (Redlands Sea Dragon) member, then why not join the club?
Full Membership
Annual RSD Membership (12 months subscription) is $285.15 ($178.15 for RSD Club membership and $107.00 for DBQ/AUSDBF membership and insurance).
Casual Membership
Should you want to be a member and come to all our social events and paddle occasionally, you can join as a casual member. Annual RSD Casual Membership (12 months subscription) is $132.45 ( $25.45 for RSD Club membership and $107.00 for the DBQ/AUSDBF membership and insurance). You will then be required to pay RSD $5.00 for each session).
Your membership payment will help pay for:
- Use and storage of club boating and safety equipment, including PFDs and paddles
- Insurance of club boating and safety equipment
- Registration of club equipment
- Repair & maintenance of club equipment, boats & safety equipment
- The opportunity to join one of our subcommittees (no voting rights towards the official committee)